
What are presets?

Starting with version 4, presets are a way of loading cssnano with different features, depending on your use case. Now, instead of having to opt-out of advanced transformations, you can choose to opt-in instead. Prior to the introduction of presets, code to perform advanced transformations was downloaded from npm whether or not it was used. Presets ensure that this is no longer the case, and also afford the ability to save configuration for cssnano to re-use across multiple contexts.

How do presets work?

cssnano runs a few different operations to check what preset it should use. Firstly, it checks that it was loaded with a preset when it was initialized; if so, it will use that one. For example, using a postcss.config.js in the project root:

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            preset: 'default',

The preset name points to a resolvable node module, optionally with the cssnano-preset- prefix. So you can specify cssnano-preset-default here instead if you wish.

If you need to pass any options to a preset, you must specify them using the array syntax instead. For example, you can remove all comments with the following configuration:

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            preset: ['default', {
                discardComments: {
                    removeAll: true,

For other cases where the preset was not explicitly set, cssnano will look for a section in your package.json or a cssnano.config.js, from the current working directory upwards until it reaches your home directory. These two configuration examples function identically to the above:

  "name": "awesome-application",
  "cssnano": {
    "preset": [
      {"discardComments": {"removeAll": true}}

And the cssnano.config.js:

const defaultPreset = require('cssnano-preset-default');

module.exports = defaultPreset({
    discardComments: {
        removeAll: true,

The cssnano.config.js is useful if you need to make use of transformations that can accept functions as parameters, for more specific use cases.

If cssnano was not loaded with a preset explicitly, or a config section/file were not found in any parent directories, then the defaults will be loaded. An example postcss.config.js:

module.exports = {
    plugins: [

For most use cases, the default preset should be suitable for your needs, but we also offer an advanced preset which performs more aggressive transformations. You can read more about this in our advanced transformations guide.

Options syntax

The options follow a simple pattern - the optional postcss- prefix is removed and then the rest should be converted into camelCase. So, if you need to set an option for postcss-svgo, you can do:

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            preset: ['default', {
                svgo: {
                    plugins: [{
                        name: 'preset-default',
                        params: {
                            overrides: {
                                removeDoctype: false,

Excluding transforms

You may wish to exclude a transform from the list if it isn't required for your build; there are two possible ways to do this. The first is to set the option key to false:

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            preset: ['default', {
                svgo: false,

Alternately, if you have already supplied options and would prefer to exclude a transform temporarily, you may set the exclude option:

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            preset: ['default', {
                svgo: {
                    exclude: true,

Last updated on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:54:45 GMT